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BOY DE LA TOUR, Maurice.:
La gravure neuchâtelouise.
Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé, [1928].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28cm. Pp. 284,[2], 8 colour plates, 30 black & white plates, 22 small portraits tipped-in in text, index of artists, index of works, shorg bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Fine, almost as new.

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New, T.R., 1985.:
A revision of the Australian Myrmelodontidae (Insecta: Neuroptera. I. Introduction, Myrmelontini, Protoplectini. / II. Dendroleontini.. / III. Distoleontini and Acanthaclisinae. [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 104, 105, 106.]

EUR 75,00
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Nakamura, K., 1972.:
Permian Davidsoniacea [Brachiopoda] from the southern Kitakami Mountains, Japan. / Anidanthus and Megousia (Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Japan and Cambodia.

EUR 14,00
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Schaffer, F.X., 1914.:
Das M

EUR 45,00
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Cahiers Céline 5. Lettres à des amis. Textes réunis et presentés par Colin W. Nettelbeck.

EUR 30,00
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EUR 50,00
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