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BRADBURY, Frederick:
History of old Sheffield plate. Being an account of the origin, growth, and decay of the industry and of the antique silver and white or Britannica metal trade.
Sheffield: J.W. Northend Ltd., 1968.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28.8cm. Pp. xiv,539, frontisp., very numerous illus. throughout text, refs. & notes, index. Orig. gilt decorated blue cloth in printed dust-jacket in protective removable transparent plastic covers . Tear and wrinkle to jacket, fine copy otherwise. - Unaltered reissue of the original 1912 edition of the classic monograph on the subject.

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FONTAINE DE RESBECQ, Adolphe (1813-1865).:
Ernest et Louis, ou Douceur et colère.

EUR 25,00
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SMILES, Samuel (1812-1904).:
Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean Society. Portrait and illustrations by George Reid, R.S.A. Fourth edition

EUR 25,00
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Douvillé, H., 1890.:
Etudes sur les Rudistes. Révision des principales espces d'Hippurites. [Mém. Soc. Géol. France, Paléont., 6.]

EUR 40,00
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LELONG, C.H., SIU MAN-PEI, & CHING, Frank (editors).:
Healing with the scalpel. From the First Colonial Surgeon to the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong.

EUR 45,00
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