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CAILLAT, Collette, & RUMAR, Ravi.:
The Jain Cosmology. English rendering R. Norman.
New York: Harmony Books / Crown Publishers, 1981.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 4to, 30.7cm. Pp. 197,[3], 108 colour plates, bibliogr., index of names and words. Hardbound, orig. cloth with pict. dust-jacket. Superficial wear to jacket, faint smoke odor, good otherwise.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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White, Th.E., 1973.:
Catalogue of the genera of dinosaurs.

EUR 5,00
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FREEMAN, Michael.:
Speciale effecten in digitale fotografie. [Nederlandse vertaling uit het Engels.]

EUR 29,50
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Magnano, L.,, 1973.:
Gli "Otiorhynchus" dei gruppi "singularis" L. e "carmagnolae" Villa e considerazioni sulla partenogenesi di alcuni di esse.

EUR 16,00
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Boivin, B., 1972.:
Flora of the Prairie Provinces. A handbook of the flora of the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Part III. Connatae. Reprinted from Phytologia, v. 22-23. [Provancheria, 4.]

EUR 13,00
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EUR 35,00
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