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Caloi, L., 1972.:
Cranio di Megaceros giganteus (Blum.) nel Museo del Servizio FGeologico d'Italia.
Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 93:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 195-221, 4 photos on 2 plates, 1 fold. map, tabs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers.

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Prestwich, J., 1874.:
On the geological conditions affecting the construction of a tunnel between England and France. With an abstract of the discussions upon the paper. Edited by James Forrest.

EUR 150,00
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Carpentier, F., 1947.:
CAJohannes-Antoine Lestage (1879-1945) et son oeuvre entomologique. [Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 23(3).]

EUR 5,00
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Lijst van de beschermde monumenten in Leiden.

EUR 15,00
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Stone, D.M., editor, 1983.:
Proceedings of the Workshop on nthe Biology and Resource Potential of Cephalopods, Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 March 1981. [Mem. Natl. Mus. Victoria, 44.]

EUR 30,00
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