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CASTELLO BRANCO, A. de (et al.), 1959-1962.:
Le volcanisme de lî'le de Faial et l'éruption du volcan de Capelinhos. [Mem. Serv. Geol. Portugal, N.S., 4 & 9.]
Lisboa 1959-1962.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

2 volumes, folio, 31.5cm. Vol. 1: pp. 99,[5], 219 photos on 70 plates, 2 fold. plates of sketch maps, 1 fold. map, 3 fold. diagrams, 18 figs., 1 large fold. col. geol. map in pocket, bibliogr.; vol. 2: :pp. 53,[3], 29 photos on 13 plates, 9 figs. Orig. printed wrappers. Few unobtrusive stamps, very good otherwise. - Very scarce complete set. The map in the pocket is the complete sheet "Faial" of the Carta Geológico de Portugal 1:25,000.

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Ökland, K.A., 1969.:
On the distribution and ecology of Gammarus lacustris G.O. Sars in Norway, with notes on its morphology and biology.

EUR 6,00
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PARETO, Lorenzo (1800-1865).:
Giunta alle osservazioni geognostiche fatte nel dipartimento del Varo

EUR 20,00
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Heller, J., 1974.:
Systematics and distribution of the land snail Pene (Pulmonata: Enidae) in Israel.

EUR 6,00
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Bock, C.E., 1970.:
The ecology and behavior of the Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis). [Univ. California Publ. Zool., 92.]

EUR 12,50
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