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Chalard, J., 1960.:
Contribution à l'étude du Namurien du bassin houiller du Nord de la France. [Etudes géologiques pour l'Atlas de Topographie souterraine [...] III. Stratigraphie, 1er fascicule.]
Valenciennes 1960.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

2 volumes, large 4to. Vol. 1: pp. 299,[27], several photos of cephalopod fossils on 12 plates, ,30 figs., bibliogr; vol. 2: pp. 13, 66 fold. plates of sections, plans and diagrs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Very good.

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Bird, G.J., & Holdich, D.M., 1989.:
Tanaidacea (Crustacea) of the north-west Atlantic: the subfamily Pseudotanainae (Pseudotanaidae) andf the family Nototanaidae.

EUR 10,00
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Cushman, J.A., 1923.:
The foraminifera of the Vicksburg Group. [With:] The correlation of the Vicksburg Group. By C.W. Cooke.

EUR 14,00
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Hagberg, K., ,1964.:
Carl Linnaeus, de bloemenkoning. [Tweede druk.]

EUR 12,50
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Broek, J.M.M. van den, 1966.:
De bodem van Limburg. Toelichting bij Blad 9 van de Bodemkaart van Nederland, schaal 1:200.000.

EUR 25,00
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