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CHONG, Elizabeth.:
De Chinese kookkunst. [Vertaald uit het Engels door Kwee Siok Lan.]
[Amsterdam:] De Lantaarn [Time-Life Boeken, 1994.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 33.4cm. 256 blz., zeer talr. foto's in kleur, enige fraaie kleurenillustr. over volle of dubbele pagina naar historische originelen, register, bibliografie. Geb., kart.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfekart. = kartoniert band met geïllustr. stofomslag.

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Day, P. (editor).:
Electronic States of Inorganic Componds: New Experimental Techniques. Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory and St John's College, Oxford, 8-18 September 1974.

EUR 60,00
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Nicolas, F., 1925.:
Geological Survey, Canada. Index to palaeontology. Geological publications 1847-1916.

EUR 20,00
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Petersen, S., 1907-1912.:
Danske Agariceer. Systematisk fremstilling af de hidtil i Danmark iagttagne bladsvampe. 1. & 2. Hefte.

EUR 50,00
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Real, F., 1959.:
Intrusões kimberlíticas da Lunda. Contribuição para o conhecimento do Karroo de Angola. [Mem. Serv. Goel. Portugal, N.S., 5.]

EUR 50,00
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