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Coenen, Adriaen.:
The Whale Book. Whales and other marine animals as described by Adrriaen Coenen in 1585. Edited with an introduction by Florike Egmond and Peter Mason, with commentaries by Kees Lankester.
[London:] Reaktion Books, 2003.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oblong 4to, 20.8x27.5cm. Pp. xvi,208, 114 full-page coloured reproductions, double-page half-tone reproduction of Wagenaer map (1584) of the western coastal area of the Netherlands. Orig. boards in pictorial laminated dust-jacket. Fine (new copy). - In the late 16th century, Dutch beachcomber Adriaen Coenen scanned the shores of Holland for interesting marine material. He produced several illustrated manuscripts of his findings, covering everything from the common herring to the exotic moonfish, as well as a few mythical creatures described to him by sailors. Coenen"s work is a rare visual and textual source for the natural world of his day, and contains the earliest known European pictures of whales, naively portrayed but easily identifiable. His lively watercolors are reproduced with their accompanying texts, which are translated here and augmented ashort introduction by the editors..

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Lankester, E.R., 1865.:
On the sources of mammalian fossils of the Red Crag, and on the discovery of a new mammal in that deposit, allied to the Walrus.

EUR 12,00
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Wernicke, F., 1931.:
Die primären Erzmineralien der Deutsch-Bleischarley-Grube bei Beuthen O.S. Makroskopische, mikroskopische und genetische Untersuchungen. [Arch. Lagerstättenforsch., 53.]

EUR 27,50
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Levinson-Lessing, F., 1900.:
Geologische Skizze der Besitzung Jushno-Saosersk im nördlichen Ural. [Trav. Soc. Imp. Nat. St.-Pétersbourg, 30(5).]

EUR 75,00
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22nd Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, on the State Cabinet of Natural History [...].

EUR 40,00
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