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Cox, I. (editor), 1957.:
The Scallop. Studies of a shell and its influences on humankind, by eight authors.
London: The 'Shell' Transport and Trading Company, 1957.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. .Pp. 135, 99 illustr. (mostly coloured, some full-page). Hardbound, orig. cloth gilt.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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HELFENSTEIN, Josef, & STANULIS, Roxanne (editors).:
Bill Traylor, William Edmondson, and the Modernist Impulse.

EUR 40,00
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Bioeventos y sucesiones faunisticas en el Terciario continental Ibérico. Comunicaciones coloquio-homenaje a Rafael Ardrover (Sabadell, 14-16 diciembre 1988). [Paleont. y Evol., 23.]

EUR 25,00
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HARRISON, William Jerome (1845-1908).:
Geology of the Counties of England and of North and South Wales.

EUR 30,00
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LAUNAY, Louis de.:
La science géologique. Ses méthodes, ses résultats, ses problèmes, son histoire.

EUR 45,00
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