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CREBILLON, Claude Prosper Jolyot de (1707-1777).:
Le Sopha. Conte moral d'après les copies de l'édition de Londres M DCC LXXIX.
Bruxelles: Ch. Gillet, 1881.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 19.3cm. Pp. iv,342, engraved frontisp. and vignette at end., both coloured by hand. Hardbound, contemp. half mocorro, covers with gilt fillet and lined with marble paper, gilt lettering and decor. to backstrip, orig. printed wrappers (a little marked) bound in, uncut. Very good. - Illustrated by Jules Armand Hanriot (1853-1930). Edition limited to 550 copies numbered by hand, this is nr. 98.

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Erickson, M.M., 1938.:
Territory, annual cycle, and numbers in a population of wren-tits (Chamaea fasciata).

EUR 15,00
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Proceedings of the Second European Aerospace Conference on Progress in Space Transportation, 22-24 May 1989, Bonn Bad Godesberg, Germany. [ESA SP=293.]

EUR 60,00
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Westergård, A.H., 1934.:
En Kcartär stromatolitkalksten från Bohuslän. [Sveriges Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 381.]

EUR 8,00
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Galloway, I.D., & Austin, A.D., 1984.:
Revision of the Scelioninae (Hymenoptera: Scelinidae) in Australia. [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 99.]

EUR 20,00
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