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Daams, R., & Freudenthal, M., 1985.:
Glirinae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the type area of the Aragonian and adjacent areas (provinces of Teruel and Zaragoza, Spain. / Stertomys laticrestatus, a new glirid (dormice, Rodentia) from the insular fauna of Gargano (prov. of Foggia, Italy).
[Scripta Geol., 77.] Leiden.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. 76, 7 pls., tabs., refs., refs. Orig. wrs. Also: Cricetidae (Rodentia) from the Neogene of Gargano (prov. of Foggia, Italy).

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SHROCK, Robert Rakes.:
Geology at M.I.T. A history of the first hundred years of geology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I. The faculty and supporting staff.

EUR 45,00
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Hayes, C.W., 1896.:
The Tennessee phosphates.

EUR 10,00
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Vergoossen, J.M.J., 2004.:
Fish microfossils from Ramsåsa, site E, Scania, southern Sweden (mid-Palaeozoic).

EUR 15,00
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Ercolano e Pompei. Gli affreschi nelle illustrazioni neoclassiche dell'album "Peintures d'Herculanum" conservato al Louvre. Commento alle tavole di Caterina Napoleone. Introduzione di Lidia Storoni Mazzolani.

EUR 50,00
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