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DANA, James Dwight.:
An account of the discoveries in Vermont geology of the Rev. Augustus Wing. // On the relations of the geology of Vermont to that of Berkshire. (From American Journal of Science and Art. Vols. XII and XIV. 1877.)
New Haven 1877.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.6cm. Pp. [1],332-346,[1],405-419,[1]; [1],36-48,[1],132-140,202-207,257-264; 46 wood-engraved figs. in text, notes. Collected author's offprint, orig. printed wrappers. Very good. - With author's presentation inscription: "Mr G. Dewalque with the esteem of the Author". Georges Dewalque (1826-1905) was a prominent Belgian geologist and paleontologist.

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Schédo-Ferroti, D.K.:
Etudes sur l'avenir de la Russie. Sixième étude: Les serfs non encore libérés.

EUR 25,00
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Hørring, R., 1912-1919.:
Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1911 [-1989]. (29de [-37te] Aarsberetning om danske Fygle.)

EUR 25,00
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Gantier, F., (et al.), 2023.:
Les spécimens-types de gastéropodes fossiles du Miocène Supérieur de la collection Millet de la Turtaudière conservés au Muséum d'Angers: révision systématique et statut nomenclatural.

EUR 25,00
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Ökland, K.A., 1969.:
On the distribution and ecology of Gammarus lacustris G.O. Sars in Norway, with notes on its morphology and biology.

EUR 6,00
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