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Danieleopolo, D.L., Carbonel, P., & Colin, J.P. (editors), 1990.:
Cytherissa (Ostracoda), the Drosophila of paleolimnology. / Cytherissa, la Drosophile de la paléolimnologie. (Scientific results of a multidisciplinary project on recent and fossil Ostracoda,) [Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin Aquitaine, 47-48.]
Talence: Université de Bordeaux, 1990.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. 310, many photos, figs., diagrs. and tabs. in text and on plates, refs. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrappers. - Contains 22 papers arranged in the following sections 1. Introduction. 2. Morphology and phylogeny. 3. Historical biogeography. 4. Ecology and paleoecology. 5. The ancillary aspects of the "Cytherissa Projectidal". 6. Conclusions. Papers in English with French summaries, captions to illustrations in English and French.:

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Papp, A., 1963.:
Die biostratigraphische Gliederung des Neogens im Wiener Becken.

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Harvey-Gibson, R.J., 1913.:
Observations on the morphology and anatomy of the genus Mystropetalon Harv.

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Alayo, P., 1973.:
Los Hemipteros de Cuba. Parte XI. Familia Lygaeidae. [Torreia, N.S., 25.]

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Eichstadt, F., 1882.:
Skånes basalter mikroskopiskt undersökta och beskrifna. [Sver. Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 51.]

EUR 12,50
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