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Deflandre, G., 1949.:
Titres et travaux scientifiques.
[No pl., no publ.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. 26.8cm. Pp. 69, many figs. and microphotos on 17 plates., bibliography of 187 titles. Orig. printed stiff wrappers.

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Rand, A.L., 1946.:
List of Yukon birds and those of the Canal Road. [Natl. Mus. Canada Bull., Biol. Ser., 33.]

EUR 15,00
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Heydorn, A.E.F., 1969.:
The rock lobster of the South African west coast Jasus lalandii (N. Milne Edwards). 2. Population studies, behaviour, reproductioin, moulting, growth and migration. [Div. Sea Fish. Invest. Rep., 71.]

EUR 7,50
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Schmidt, M., 1907.:
Das Wellengebirge in der Gegend von Freudenstadt. [Mitt. Geol. Abt. Kgl. Württemberg. Stat. Landesamt., 3.]

EUR 10,00
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Russell, D.A., 1989.:
An odyssey in time: the dinosaurs of North America.

EUR 30,00
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