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Studien an japanischen Lithistiden. [Author's offprint from:] Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Band XX.
[Leipzig 1884.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. [i],62-104, 49 figs. on 3 (1 coloured) lithographed folding plates. Old plain wrappers. Spine neatly mended. - On Japanese lithidistid sponges (Demospongea, Porifera). - Nice association copy with author's presentation inscription to the eminent German fellow zoologist Rudolf Leuckart ((1823-1898).s.

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Elliott, J.M., 1977.:
A key to the larvae and adults of the British freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera, with notes on their life cycles and ecology. [Sci, Oubl. Freshw. Biol. Ass., 35.]

EUR 10,00
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Language-switching as an index of socialization in the Replublica of the Sudan. [Univ. California Publ. Sociol., 1.]

EUR 10,00
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L'homme noir en Afrique. [Initiations africaines, VIII.]

EUR 15,00
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KELMAN, Janet Harvey & WOOD, Rev. Theodore.:
Butterflies and moths.

EUR 8,00
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EUR 50,00
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