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Drake, E.T., & Jordan, W.M. (editors).:
Geologists and ideas: a history of North American geology. [Centennial Special Volume I.]
Boulder, Co.: The Geological Society of America, 1985.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 27.7cm. Pp. x,525, many photos (incl. portrs.) and figs. throyghout, refs., index. Hardbound, orig. pict. lamin. boards. Excellent copy, as new.

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Benson, R.H., (et al.), 1963.:
Recent marine ostracodes from the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. / Recent marine and lagoonal ostracodes from the Estera de Tastiota region, Sonora, Mexico (Northeastern Gulf of California). / Postglacial (Holocene) ostracodes from Lake Erie.

EUR 19,00
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Bohlin, B., 1975.:
Four localities with Late Palaeozoic plants in the Chinese provinces Kansu and Kokonor. [Sven Hedin Exped. China Publ., 53(4), Palaeobot. 2.]

EUR 40,00
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Homo militans. De psychologie van oorlog, ziekte en vrede in den mens.

EUR 15,00
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Winge, H., 1917.:
Ugsigt over Insekrædernes indbyrdes Slægtskab.

EUR 12,50
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