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Düuing, W., Ostapoff, F., & Merle, J. (editors), 1980.:
Physical oceanography of the Tropical Atlantic during GATE. Prepared by Valery Lee. (Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Atlantic Tropical Experiment.
Miami, Fl.: University of Miami, 1980

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large oblong 4to, 27x35cm. Pp. x,117, numerous maps, diagrams and tables throughout, end-paper maps, refs. Orig. printed boards. Very good.

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JAGT, Hendrik Cornelis van der.:
De naamgeving van de Protestantse kerkgebouwen in Nederland vanaf de Reformatie tot 1973.

EUR 10,00
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Kuhn, O., 1937 (1972).:
Cotylosauria et Theromorpha. [Fossilium Catalogus, I: Animalia, Pars 79.]

EUR 22,50
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Farrington, O.C.:
Observations on Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl. With a review of the geiographic and geologic features of the mountains. [Field Colomb. Mus. Publ., Geol. Ser., 1(2).]

EUR 15,00
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DAVIS, John.:
Tr Rejser til Grønland i Aarene 1585-87. Oversættelse og Indledning af G.N. Bugge. [Det Grønlandske Selskabs Skrifter VII.]

EUR 30,00
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