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Fedorwoski, J., & Gorianov, V.B., 1972.:
Rederscription of tetracorals described by E. Eichwald in "Palaeontology of Russia".
Acta Palaeont. Polon., 18(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 3-70, many photos on 13 pls., 20 figs., refs. Plain new wrs.

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Upson, M.E., 1933.:
The Ostracoda of the Big Blue Series in Nebraska. [Nebraska Geol. Surv. Bull., Ser. 2, 8.]

EUR 10,00
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Jentys-Szaferowa, J., 1961.:
Anatomical investigations on fossil fruits of the genus Carpinus in Poland. [Acta Paleobot., 2(1).]

EUR 9,00
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CARTIER, Normand E. (et al., editors):
Aquila. Chestnut Hill Studies in Modern Languages and Literatures. I.

EUR 17,50
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Benson, W.N., 1921.:
Recent advances in New Zealand geology. Reprinted from the Report of the 15th Meeting of the A.A.A.S. held in Melbourne, 10th January, 1921.

EUR 10,00
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