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Fowler, A., 1935.:
The geology of the country around Rothbury, Amble, and Ashington. Explanation of Sheets 9 and 10. [Mem. Geol. Surv. England & Wales.]
London: HMSO, 1935.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24.3cm. Pp. vi,159, frontisp., 4 plates, 4 figs., append., refs., index. Orig. cloth.

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MARSH, Charles Othniel.:
History and methods of palaeontological discovery. An Address delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Saratoga, N.Y., August 28, 1879.

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Johnson, J.G., Klapper, G., & Trojan, W.R., 1980.:
Brachiopod and conodont successions in the Devonian of the northern Antelope Range, central Nevada.

EUR 15,00
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Malinowski, J., 1869.:
Essai historique sur l'origine et le développement progressif de l' exploitation du charbon de terre dans le bassin houiller du Gard

EUR 15,00
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Stekelis, M. (et al.), 1966-1969.:
Archaeological excavations at 'Ubeidiya, 1960-1963 [AND:] 1964-1966.

EUR 30,00
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