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Fowler, H.W., 1940.:
Zoological results of the Second Bolivian Expedition for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1936-1939. Part I. The fishes.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 92:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 43-103, 52 figs. Large 8vo. Extracr. plain new wrappers, uncut.

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Rudman, W.B., 1974.:
A comparioson of Chelidonura, Navanax and Aglaja with other genera of the Aglajidae (Opisthobranchia: Gastropoda).

EUR 7,50
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MERTENS, F.J.H., e.a.:
150 jaar toezicht Verkeer en Waterstaat. Rampen, wetten en inspectiediensten.

EUR 15,00
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PINKNEY, Lieutenant-Colonel [William] (1764-1822).:
Travels through the South of France, and the Interior of the Provinces of Provence and Languedoc, in the Years 1807 and 1808 [...]. Second edition.

EUR 125,00
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Feyling-Hanssen, R.W., 1978.:
The Clyde Foreland Formation: a micropaleontological of Quaternary stratigraphy. [Offprint from:] Special Publication,. First International Symposium on Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental Margins, Part B.

EUR 16,00
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