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Frankel, C., 1996.:
La mort des dinosaures: l'hypothèse cosmique. Chroniaue d'une découverte scientifique.
Paris: Masson.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. x,172, several illus. in text, gloss., bibl., index. Orig. wrs.

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Townsend, M.T., 1935.:
Studies of some of the small mammals of Central New York. [Bull. N.Y. State Coll. Forest., 8(2) / Roosevelt Wild Life Ann., 4(1).]

EUR 12,50
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Heinonen, L., 1957.:
Studies on the microfossils in the tills of the North European glaciation.

EUR 12,00
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Bischof, G., & Ziegler, W., 1957.:
Die Coniodontenchronologie des Mitteldevons und des tiefsten Oberdevons. [Abh. Hess. Landesamt. Bodenf., 22.]

EUR 16,00
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Cahn, A.R., 1927.:
An ecological study of Southern Wisconsin fishes. The brook silversides (Labidesthes sicculus) and the cisco (Leucichthys artedi) in their relations to the region. [Illinois Biol. Mon., 10(4).]

EUR 15,00
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