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Gahan, A.B., 1916.:
A revision of the North American ichneumon-flies of the subfamily Opiinae.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 49:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 63-95, 18 figs. on 2 pls. Plain new wrs.

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Rudman, W.B., 1987.:
The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: Chromodoris epicuria, C. aureopurpurea, C. annulata, C. coi, and Risbeckia tyoni colour groups.

EUR 17,00
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Muttkowski, R.A., 1929.:
The ecology of trout streams in Yellowstone National Park. / (With C.M. Smith:) The food of trout stream insects in Yellowstone National Pari.

EUR 22,00
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Schmidt, W., & Teichmüller, M., 1955.:
Die Enträtselung eines bislang unbekannten Fossils im deutschen Oberkarbon, Sphenothallus stubblefieldi n. sp. und die Art seines Auftretens.

EUR 9,00
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Hasle, G.R.:
An analysis of the phytoplankton of the Pacific Southern Ocean: abundance, composition and distribution during the Brategg Expedition, 1947-1948. [Hvalråd. Skrift., 52.]

EUR 20,00
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