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GESTEL, Jan van (red.).:
Mozzarella. Inventieve recepten van vooraanstaande chef-koks met buffelmozzarella. Foto's van Sian Irvine. [Koken met Meesterkoks.]
[Z. pl.:] Time Life Books, 1999.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Vierk. 8vo, 23.5xm. 160 blz., talr. (pagina)gtrote foto's in kleur, woordenlijst. Geb., kart.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfekart. = kartoniert band in geïllustr. stofomslag. Vochtspoortje op benedenrand achteromslag, overigens uitstekend.

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Hill, R.T., 1901.:
Geography and geology of the Black and Grand Prairies, Texas. With detailed description of the Cretacous formations and special reference to artesian waters. [Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 21, Part VII - Texas.]

EUR 130,00
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Fischer, Emil.:
Taschenbuch für Schmetterlingssammler. Vierte Aufkage. [Bibliothek nützlicher Taschenbücher.]

EUR 20,00
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Pilleri, G., & Gihr, M., 1981.:
The brain (endocranial cast) of Schizodelphis sulcatus and the cephalization of Eoplatanista italica (Cetacea): palaeoneurological and palaeoecological considerations.

EUR 18,00
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Etheridge, R., 1867:
On the physical structure of West Somerset and North Devon, and on the palaeontological value of the Devonian fauna.

EUR 28,00
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