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Goeppert, Heinrich Robert (1800-1884).: gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia 4to. Pp. [2],xviii,[2,blank],300, 33 figs. (few coloured by hand) on 22 lithogr. plates (incl. 6 fold, ), 1 fold. plan. Orig. printed boards. A very good copy. - "Eine im Jahre 1846 mit der goldenen Medaille und einer Prämie von 150 Gulden gekrönte Preisschrift.": - "Goeppert's entry in the Haarlem Academy's prize competition concerning th question whether coal seams are authochthonous or allochthonous was awarded the double prize". (Dict. Sci. Biogr. V, p. 441). The author was one of the founders of paleobotany, "the principal central European paleobotanist of the mid-nineteenth century [and] must be ranked with such outstanding figures as Brongniart and Seward (Andrews p. 294). "Seine Monographien gehören zum Besten, was über fossile Pflanzen geschrieben wurde" (Zittel, p. 82.).
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Aquila Antiquariaat / Aquila Natural History Books, NL-7242HG Lochem |