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Grichuk, V.P., & Zaklinskaya, E.D. (editors), 1985.:
Palynology of the Quaternary Period.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. 228, 47 figs., 35 tabs., refs. Orig. wrappers. - In Russian. - History of the flora and vegetation of the large regions of Eurasia and separate regions of the USSR.

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Fenner, C.N., 1933.:
Pneumatolytic processes in the formation of minerals and ores. Reprinted from "Ore deposits of the Western States", American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1933, being part I of chapter III.

EUR 9,00
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RUWAYHA, Walid Amin.:
Terrorism and hostage-taking in the Middle-East. Second printing.

EUR 20,00
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al-Droubi, A., 1976.:
Géochimie des sels et des solutions concentrées par évaporaqtion. Modèle thermodynamique de simulation. Application aux sols salés du Tchad. [Sci. Géol. Mém., 46.]

EUR 25,00
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Arber, A., 1914.:
An anatomical study of the Palaeozoic cone-genus Lepidostrobus.

EUR 20,00
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