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Groessens, E., Conil, R., & Hennebert, M., 1979.:
Le Dinantien du sondage de Saint-Ghislain. Stratigraphie et paléontologie. [Mém. Explic. Carte Géol. Belgique, 22.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. vi,137, numerous microphotos of foraminifera on 22 pls., 5 other photogr. pls., 10 pls. of lithological logs, several other illus., refs. Orig. wrs.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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JACKSON, Charles T.:
Report on the geological and agricultural survey of the State of Rhode Island, made under a Resolve of Legislature in the Year 1839.

EUR 150,00
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Kuss, S.E., 1960.:
Eine neuentdeckte Säugetierfauna aus dem Aquitan von Büchelberg in der Pfalz.

EUR 9,00
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Stepanov, S.A., 1975.:
Phytostratigraphy of the Devonian key sections of the margin of the Kuzbas. [Trudt SNIIGGIMS, 211.]

EUR 22,50
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Noi, H., 1991.:
Palynological study of the Quaternary in Kyushu, Southwest Jaoan.

EUR 12,00
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