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Guérin-Méneville, F.E., 1833.:
Sur l'organisation des Phyllosomes, et monographie de ce genre des Crustacées. [Extracted from:] Iconographie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier, ou représentation d'après Nature de l'une des espèces les plus remarquables [...].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. [30], several figs. on 8 finely engraved plates. Plain new wrappers, uncut. - Rare. - Phyllosoma is the planktonic larval stage of Palinuridae, Scyllaridae and Synaxidae.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Boivin, B., 1972.:
Flora of the Prairie Provinces. A handbook of the flora of the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Part III. Connatae. Reprinted from Phytologia, v. 22-23. [Provancheria, 4.]

EUR 13,00
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Whoever, Mr. of Mrs.:
Why are some sellers making such silly book descriptions mentioning many defects which are NOT there at all - would you please stop this.

EUR 10,00
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Ritchie, L., 1975.:
A new genus and two new species of Coniostomatidae (Copepoda) parasitic on two deep sea isopods.

EUR 6,00
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Dutch Birding. Jaargang 13 t/m 18.

EUR 60,00
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EUR 25,00
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