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Hammen, T. van der, & Wijmstra, T.A., 1964.:
A palynological study on the Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous of British Guiana.
Leid. Geol. Meded., 30:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 183-241, several pollen microphotos on 3 pls., 4 diagrs., 23 illus. in text (2 fold.), refs. 4to. Wrs.

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Nemejc, F., & Kvacek, Z., 1975.:
Senonian plant macrofossils from the region of Zliv and Hluboki (near Ceske Budejovice).

EUR 25,00
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CASEY, Thomas L., 1908.:
A revision of the tenebrionid subfamily Coniontinae.

EUR 11,00
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Assereto, R., 1961.:
La geologia della Valle di Ugoviza (Alpi Carniche).

EUR 6,00
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Bryant, H.C., 1914.:
A survey of the breedings grounds of ducks in California in 1914.

EUR 5,00
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