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Hawkes, A.D., 1970.:
Encyclopaedia of cultivated orchids. An illustrated descriptive manual of the members of the Orchidaceae currently in culltivation.
London: Faber & Faber, 1970.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. 602, col. frontisp., 11 col. plates, many photos on 46 black & white plates, many drawings in text (some full-page), glossary, index. Hardbound, orig. cloth with pict. dust-jacket. Very good. - Unaltered reissue of the first printing of 1965. Weight of book higher than average, additional postage will be asked for.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Ule, E., 1915.:
Biologische Beobachtungen im Amazonasgebiet. [Vorträge aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Botanik, Heft 3.]

EUR 10,00
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Hirschfeld, S.E., 1985.:
Ground sloths from the Friasian La Venta fauna, with additions to the Pre-Friasian Coyama fauna of Colombioa, South America.

EUR 12,00
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Marques, E., 1958.:
Copépodes marinhos de Angola (2a Campanha, 1952-1953).

EUR 6,00
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Malaise, C., 1873.:
Description du terrain silurien du centre de la Belgique. [Extracted from: Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Belgique. Vol. XXXVII.]

EUR 95,00
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