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Hayden, F.V., (et al.), 1873.:
Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah; being a Report of Progress of the Explorations for the Year 1872.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1872.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.5cm. Pp. xii,844, 5 maps (2 fopld.), 12 pls. of fossils and stone implements, 67 wood-engraved figs. (mostly of scenery etc.). Orig. black cloth. Little wear to ends of backstrip, lettering on same a bit faded, contents very good.. - Includes important sections of paleontological interest: "Lignite formations and fossil flora" by Leo Lesquereux (pp. 317-426), "Paleontological report" by F.B. Meek (pp. 429-520), and "On the extinct Vertebrata of the Eocene of Wyoming" by E.D. Cope (pp. 545-650).

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Pilleri, G., 1988-1989.:
Contributions to the paleontology of some Tethyan Ceteacea and Sirenia (Mammalia). [I] & II.

EUR 50,00
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Pilleri, G., Gihr, M., & Kraus, C., 1988.:
The organ of hearing in Cetacea. II. Paleobiological evolution.

EUR 34,00
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Argot, C., 2003.:
Functional adaptations of the postcranial skeleton of two Miocene boryhyaenoids (Mammalia, Metatheria), Boryhyaena and Prothylacinus, from South America.

EUR 12,00
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Helbing, H., 1904.:
Beiträge zur Anatomie und Systematik der Laemargiden [Pisces]. [N. Acta Leopold. Akad. Naturf., 82(4).]

EUR 20,00
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