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HAYDEN, Ferdinand Vandeveer (1829-1887).:
Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories:a Report of Progress of the Exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the Year 1878. Part I. Geology, Paleontology, and Zoölogy.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1883.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. xviii,807, chromolithogr. frontisp., 2 fold. maps, 114 plates (incl. 99 tinted lithographs), 114 wood-engraved figs. in text, index. Hardbound, orig. black cloth, git-lettered title to spine. Backstrip repaired, wear to part of edge of rear cover, contents very good. - Without (as usual) the 6 large maps issued separately in a portfolio.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Størmer, P., 1959.:
A contribution to the bryology of the Canary Islands. Mosses, chiefly collected by Johannes Lid. [Skrift. Norske Vid.-Akad. Oslo, I. Mat.-Nat. Kl., 1959 No. 5.]

EUR 15,00
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Richter, R., & Richter, E., 1940.:
Die Saukianda-Stufe von Andalusien, eine fremde Fauna im europäischen Ober-Kambrium. (Studien im Paläozoikum der Mittelmeer-Länder, 5.) [Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 450.]

EUR 20,00
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Brückmann, Friedrich Ernst:
Epistola itineraria XXVIII. De lapide hystricino malcano. [...] Acced. [...] R.A. Behrens [...] Experimenta cum lapide porcino instituta, sub forma epistolae ad autorem.

EUR 90,00
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McLean, J.D., Jr., 1963.:
A study of the forms referred to Ceratobulimina eximia in America. [Printed in:] Reports from The McLean Paleontological Laboratory, No. 5.

EUR 15,00
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EUR 450,00
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