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HAYES, C. Willard, VAUGHAN, Thomas Wayland, & SPENCER, Arthur C.:
Report on a geological reconnaissance of Cuba, made under the Direction of General Leonard Wood, Military Governor.
[Washington: Government Printing Office; United States Geological Survey,] 1901.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. 118, 27 photogr. plates of scenery, 8 (some fold.) maps and plans, 11 (1 large fold.) sections. Orig. blind-stamped cloth. Binding with some age rubbing, outer upper corner of binding and contents bumped, good otherwise. Scarce.

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Bartsch, P., 1915.:
The recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Rissoina from the West Coast of America.

EUR 10,00
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Buchanan, R., & Maples, ,C., 1989.:
Paleontological collecting in Kansas: a review of State regulations and recommandations for future action in Kansas. [Kansas Geol. Surv. Open File Rep., 89-5.]

EUR 10,00
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Hansen, A., & Sunding, P., 1985.:
Flora of Macaronesia. Checklist of vascular plants. 3. revised edition. [Sommerfeltia, 1.]

EUR 30,00
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Brölemann, H.W., 1920:
Myriapodes III. Diplopodes. (Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale, 1911-1912. Résultats scientifiques.)

EUR 45,00
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