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Hegele, A., 1992.:
Jura-Sammlung Dr. Engel. Erdgeschichte und Landschaft in Schwaben. [Veröff. Stadtarch. Göppingen, 27.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. 96, many photos and figs. (partly col.) incl. several of fossils, bibl. Orig. stiff wrs.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Coomans, H.E., & Coomans-Eustatia, M., 1988.:
Flowers from St. Martin. The 19th century watercolours of Westindian plans painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma.

EUR 20,00
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Histon, K., 1999.:
Revision of the Silurian nautiloid cephalopods from the Carnic Alps (Austria - The Heritsch (1929) Collection in the Geological Survey of Austrian.

EUR 10,00
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McLOUGHLIN, S., DRINNAN, A.N., & Rozefelds, A.C., 1995.:
A Cenomanian flora from the Winton Formation, Eromanga Bsasin, Queensland, Australia.

EUR 10,00
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Lewis, D.N., 1993.:
Catalogue of the type and figured specimens of fossil Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea in The Natural History Museum.

EUR 9,00
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