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Hill, R.T., 1901.:
Geography and geology of the Black and Grand Prairies, Texas. With detailed description of the Cretacous formations and special reference to artesian waters. [Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 21, Part VII - Texas.]
Washiongton: Government Printing Office, 1901.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28.5cm. Pp. 666, 64 plates (incl. several of fossils, some photographic of outcrops) and maps, 80 figs. in text, 7 large maps (partly folding) in rear cover pocket, index. Hardbound, orig. cloth with gilt vignette to front cover and lettering to backstrip. Exterior traces of use to binding, front joint neatly strengthened, contents very good. - Scarce. - Heavy volume weighing over 3 KG, additional postage will be needed.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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WALTHER, Johannes (editor).:
Untersuchungen über Goethes Stellung zu Problemen der Natur. Sonderabdruck kaus "Goethe als Sehre und Erforscher der Natur">

EUR 40,00
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Kilian, W. & Révil, J.:
Etudes géologiques dans les Alpes Occidentales. Contribution à la géologie des chaînes intérieures des Alpes Françaises. [Mém. Serv. Explic. Carte Géol. Dét. France.]

EUR 475,00
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Hachisuka, M., & Udagawa, T., 1953.:
Contribution to the ornithology of the Ryukyu Islands.

EUR 22,50
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Andrusov, D., 1964-1965.:
Geologie der Tschchoslowakischen Karpaten.

EUR 45,00
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EUR 130,00
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