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Hume, D.M., 1882.:
Traces in Scotland of ancient water-lines, marine, lacustre, and fluviatile.
Edinburgh: David Douglas.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.3cm. Pp. 149, lithogr. frontisp., some wood-engraved figs. in text. Orig. cloth, uncut. - With sub-title: "With some account of the drift materials on which these traces are imprinted, and speculations regarding the period in the world's history to which they may be referred and the climatic changes they suggest."[.

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Renard, A., 1882.:
Les roches granatifères et amphiboliques de la région de Bastogne.

EUR 10,00
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Slageren, M. van, 1985.:
A taxonomic monograph of the genera Brachiolejeunea and Frullanoides (Hepaticae) with a SEM analysis of the sporophyte in the Ptychanthoideae.

EUR 40,00
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Kristan-Tollmann, E., 1978.:
Bairdiidae (Ostracoda) aus den obertriadischen Cassianer Schichten der Ruoner-Wiesen bei Corvara in Südtirol.

EUR 7,50
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Knowlton, F.H., 1891.:
Directions for collecting recent and fossil plants. [Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 39-B.]

EUR 7,50
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