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ISSEL, Arturo (1842-1922).:
Le oscillazioni lente del suolo o bradissimi. Saggio di geologia storica. [Atti R. Univ. Genova, Vol. 5.]
Genova: Tipografia del R. Istituto de' Sordo-muti, 1883.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28cm. Pp. 422, 1 fold. tinted lithogr. world map, 1 other single-page map, 26 wood-engraved figs. in text. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Foxing and edge-wear to covers, spine neatly mended with printed title-label added, contents fine. - Rare. On the movements of sea levels in costal areas, geographically treated, in recent geological times.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Deflandre, G., 1937.:
Microfossiles des silex crétacés. Deuxième partie. Flagellés incertae sedis - Hystrichospaeridés - Sarcodinés - Organismes divers,

EUR 20,00
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George, T.N., 1940.:
The structure of Gower.

EUR 12,50
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Kermack, K.A., et al., 1987.:
A new docodont from the Forst Marble.

EUR 9,00
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Reeside, J.B., Jr., & Cobban, W.A., 1960.:
Studies of the Mowry Shale (Cretaceous) and contemporary formations in the United States and Canada. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 355.]

EUR 45,00
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EUR 150,00
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