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Jagt, J.W.M., 1989.:
Ammonites from the Early Campanian Vaals Formation at the CPL quarry (Haccounrt, Liège, Belgium) and their stratigraphic implications.
Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, 43(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 1-33, 45 photos on 7 plates, 2 figs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrappers.

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Todd, W.E.C., 1914.:
The birds of the Isle of Pines. Incorporating the substance of field-notes by Gustav A. Link.

EUR 15,00
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Flügel, E., 1958.:
Revision der Hydrozoen des Grazer Devons.

EUR 9,00
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Habits of man and the origins of cultivated plants of the Old World.

EUR 7,50
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Guber, A.L., & Jaanusson, V., 1964.:
Ordovician ostracodes with posterior domiciliar dimorphism.

EUR 7,50
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