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JANSEN, Murk (1863 -1935):
Over beenvorming. Haar verhouding tot trek en druk.
Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1918.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24.2cm. Pp. xii,108, 51 illus. (mostly large photos) on 43 plates, notes & refs. Orig. printed quarter cloth. Little offsetting from some plates onto text of opposite page, very good otherwise. - Rare classic monograph on the aspects of traction and pressure in bone formation and its practical and experimental implications to orthopedy, especially in their relation to the common deformities. With author's presentation inscription on half-title to his teacher, the Utrecht professor Willem Nolen (1854-1939): "Aan Prof. Dr. W. Nolen den leermeester aan wien ik zoveel te danken heb. De Schrijver. 6.10.18." With bookplate and small name stamp of the Dutch vertebrate paleontologist and zoologist Dirk Albert Hooijer (1919-1993). "[...] another remarkable contribution to orthopaedic science [...] The illustrations are excellent and they alone would make the book very valuable even for those who cannot read the Dutch Language."(from contemporary review by C.H. Bucholz).

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Idee, Prozess, Ergebnis. Die Reparatur und Rekonstruktion der Stadt. Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1987.

EUR 36,00
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Herschenz, Otto, 1888.:
Untersuchungen über Harzer Baryte.

EUR 10,00
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COENEN, Adriaen (1514-1587).:
Het Walvisboek. Walvissen en andere zeewezens beschreven door Adriaen Coenen in 1585. Redactie en inleiding Florike Egmond en Peter Mason met commentaar door Kees Lankester.

EUR 30,00
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Lamberton, Ch., 1938.:
Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfossile de Ma-dagascar. Note III. Les Hadropithèques

EUR 12,50
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EUR 120,00
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