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Jones, T.R., 1879.:
Description of the species of the ostracodous genus Bairdia, McCoy, from the Carboniferous strata of Great Britain.
Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London,m 25/140:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 565-581, 95 figs. on 5 lithogr. plates, notes & refs. Extrract, later stiff wrappers with cloth spine.

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Armstrong, A.K., 1970.:
Mississippian rugose corals, Peratrovich Formation, West Coast, Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska.

EUR 14,00
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POPE, John Alexander.:
The history of the history of Ming porcerlain, a lecture [...] on the occasion of the first presentation of the Hills Gold Medal, June 9th, 1971, at the Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1.

EUR 15,00
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Van Winkle, K.E.H., 1918.:
aleontology of the Oligocene of the Chehalis Valley, Washington.

EUR 9,00
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Planktonic Conference, Geneva, 1967.:
Abstracts of papers.

EUR 10,00
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