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Kennedy, W.J., & Hancock, J.M., 1971.:
Mantelliceras saxbii, and the horizon of the Martimpreyi Zone in the Cenomanian in England.
Palaeontology, 14(3):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 437-454, several photos on 4 plates, figs., refs. Plain new wrappers.

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Arvy, L., & Pilleri, G.:
Four centuries of observations on the bottlenosed whale, the sperm whale, and the killer whale. / Quatre cent ans d'observations sur l'hyperoodon, le cachelot, et l'orque. [Investigations on Cetacea, XV, Suppl.]

EUR 35,00
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Jaekel, O., 1903.:
Ueber die Epiphyse und Hypophyse.

EUR 9,00
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SUDRY, Louis.:
L'Etang de Thau. Essai de monographie océanographique [Ann. Inst. Océanogr., 1(10).]

EUR 120,00
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Zetterstedt, J.E., 1854.:
Dispositio muscosorum frondosorum in monte Kinnekulle nascentium.

EUR 60,00
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