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Kesling, R.V.:
- - Lot of 19 papers on Ostracods (mostly Paleozoic), offprints from Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ. Michigan, 1951-1958.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Total of 288 pp., many illus. on 49 pls., 13 figs., refs. As issued (staped or in orig. wrs.).

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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TANAKA, Keisaku.:
A study on the Cretaceous sedimentation in Hokkaido, Japan. [Rep. Geol. Surv. Japan, 197.]

EUR 40,00
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Scott, D.H., 1920 & 1909.:
Studies in fossil botany.

EUR 50,00
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Leonard, M.D., 1963.:
A list of the Aphids of New York. [With:] Supplement.

EUR 20,00
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Wilson, Ch.B., 1908.:
A revision of the Pandarinae and the Cercopinae. (North American parasitic Copepods belonging to the family Caligidae. Parts 3 and 4.)

EUR 20,00
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EUR 35,00
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