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Kidder, J.H., 1875-1876.:
Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island, made in connection with the American Transit-of-Venys Expedition, 1874-1875. I. Ornithology Edited by E. Coues. [AND] II. [Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 2 & 3.]
Washington: Government Printing Office.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Two parts, 8vo, 23cm. Pt. I: pp. x,51; pt. II: pp. 122, index. Two parts in one volume, plain new wrappers. Very good. Stitch marks of former binding in inner margins, very good otherwise. - The second part includes oölogy (pp. 7-20) and animal groups other than birds.

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TURPIN, Pierre François Joseph (1775-1840).:
Organographie végétale. Observations sur quelques végétaux microscopiques, et sur le rôle important que leurs analogues jouent dans la formation et l'accroissement du tissu cellulaire.

EUR 120,00
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WEIDLE, Roland.:
Shakespeares dramaturgische Perspektive. Die theatrale Grammatik Erving Goffmans als Modell strategischer Interaktion in den Komödien und Historien.

EUR 20,00
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Maarel, F.H. van der, 1932.:
Contribution to the knowledge of the fossil mammalian fauna of Java. [Wet. Meded. Dienst Mijnb. Nederl.-Indië, 15.]

EUR 45,00
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Orsoni Mosaici. Smalti Veneziani e Ori per mosaico. Mosaici Artistici - Decorativi - Architettonici. / Venetian Smalti and Gold tiles for mosaic. Artistic - Decorative - Architectural mosaics. Since 1888.

EUR 25,00
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