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Knowlton, F.H., 1909.:
The stratigraphic relations and paleontology of the "Hell Creek Beds", "Ceratops Beds" and equivalents and their reference to the Fort Union Formation.
Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 11(1-3):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 179-293, notes & refs. Plain new wrappers. - Includes also: The age and stratigraphic relations of the "Ceratops Beds" of Wyoming and Montana, by T.W. Stanton (pp.239-293)..

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Willink, R.J., 1979.:
The crinoid genera Tribrachyocrinus McCoy, Calceolispongia Etheridge, Jimbacrinus Teichert and Meganotocrinus n. gen. in the Permian of Australia.

EUR 30,00
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Asselberghs, E. & Leblanc, E.:
Le Dévonien inférieur du bassin de Laroche. [Mém. Inst. Géol. Univ. Louvain, 8(1).]

EUR 18,00
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Michel-Lévy, A., 1908.:
Les terrains primaires du Morvan et de la Loire. [Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. France, 120.]

EUR 50,00
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Caloi, L., 1972.:
Cranio di Megaceros giganteus (Blum.) nel Museo del Servizio FGeologico d'Italia.

EUR 6,00
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