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Kobayashi, K., 1956.:
Birds of Japan in natural colours.
Osaka: Hoikusha.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 21cm. Pp. x,204,[6], numerous col. illus. on 64 plates, indices of Japanese, English, and Latin names. Orig. cloth gilt. No dust-jacket, fine otherwise. - Japanese text.

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DELTEIL, Loys (1869–1927).:
Catalogue Raisonne of the Etchings of Charles Meryon. With the addition of many newly discovered states and edited by Harold J.L. Wright

EUR 60,00
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Gisin, H., 1944.:
Hilfstabelle zum Bestimmen der holarktischen Collembolen.

EUR 15,00
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Montessus de Ballore, F. de, 1915.:
XI Boletin del Servicio Sismologico de Chile. Memorias.

EUR 40,00
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Bishop, W.W., Miller, J.A., & Cole, S. (editors), 1972.:
Calibration of hominoid evolution. Recent advances in isotopic and opther dating methods applicable to the origin of man. Proceedings of the Symposium held at Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 3rd-12th July 1971.

EUR 20,00
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