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KOPAL, Zdenek.:
The Moon.
Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1969.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. xviii,525, frontisp., many photos and figs. in text, 2 large fold. maps in pocket, refs., pers. name index. Hardbound, orig. black cloth with pict. dust-jacket. Minor rubbing to upper edge of jacket only, fine otherwise. - Much enlarged and updated second edition with new title of "An introduction to the study of the Moon"(1966, 464 pages).

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Abel, O., 1902.:
Zwei neue Menschenaffen aus den Leithakalkbildungen des Wiener Beckens.

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Macellari, C.E., 1986.:
Late Campanian-Maastrichtian annomite fauna from Seymour Island (Arctic Peninsula). [Jour. Paleont., 6(2), Suppl. / Paleont. Soc. Mem., 18.]

EUR 12,50
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Morgand & Fatout.:
Répertoire géneral et méthodique de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout suivi d'un index alphabétique [...].

EUR 50,00
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Barnes, H., & Barnes, M., 1962.:
The distribution and general ecology of Balanus balanoides together with some observations on the Balanus improvisus in the waters around the coasts of Denmark, Southern Sweden, and North-East Germany. [Lunds Univ. Årsske., N.F., Avd. 2, 58(8).]

EUR 9,00
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