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Koto, B., 1899.:
Notes on the geology of the dependent islands of Taiwan. Reprinted from Jour. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. XIII, Part I.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 4to, 26.3cm. Pp. 57,[11], 2 colour maps (1 folding), 18 microphotos of rock samples on 3 plates, 4 figs. in text, notes & refs., small errata slip tipped-in. Orig. printed wrappers. Spine neatly mended with paper strip, very good otherwise. - On the group of the Pescadores islands.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Holtedahl, Olaf:
Bidrag til Finmarkens geologi. [Norges Geol. Unders., 84.]

EUR 25,00
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Brückmann, Friedrich Ernst:
Epistola itineraria XXVIII. De lapide hystricino malcano. [...] Acced. [...] R.A. Behrens [...] Experimenta cum lapide porcino instituta, sub forma epistolae ad autorem.

EUR 90,00
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Rudwick, M.J.S., 1965.:
Sensory spines in the Jurassic brachiopod Acanthothiris.

EUR 5,00
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Hutt, J.E., 1974-1975.:
The Llandovery graptolites of the English Lake District. [Mon. Palaeontogr. Soc., 540 & 542.]

EUR 30,00
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EUR 40,00
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