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Kruse, P.D., 1982.:
Archaeocyathan biostratigraphy of the Gnalta Groupp at Mt Wright, New South Wales.
Palaeontogr., Abt. A, 177(4-6):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 129-212, 121 microphotos on 13 plates, 21 figs., blbiogr. 4to. Orig. wrappers. - Early Cambrian.

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Miller, W.G., 1905.:
The cobalt-nickel arsenides and silver deposits of Temiskaming. [Rep. Bur. Mines, 1905 Part II.]

EUR 20,00
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Conn, B.J., 1984.:
A taxonomic revision of Prostanthera Labill. section Klanderia (F. v. Muell.) Benth. (Labiatae).

EUR 20,00
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LIBRERO, Aide R., & COLLIER, William L. (editors).:
Economics of aquaculture, sea-fishing and coastal resource use in Asia. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Meeting of the Agriculture Economics Society of Southeast Asia. November 3-6, 1977, Tigbauan, Philippines.

EUR 45,00
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Wilson, Ch.B., 1914.:
North American parasitic Copepoda belonging to the Lernopodidae, with a revision of the entire family.

EUR 20,00
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