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Kuenen, Ph.H., 1935.:
Geological interpretation of the bathymetric results. / RIEL, P.M. van, 1934. Soundings and bathymetric charts. Chapter II. The bottom configuration in relation to the flow of bottom water. [The Snellius Expedition, 5(1) & 2(2).]
Leiden: E.J. Brill.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 32.5cm. Vol. [1]: pp. iv,124, 1 large fold. map and 8 fold. pls. of diagrs. in pocket, 47 figs., bibl.; vol. [2]: pp. 63, 3 large fold. col. bathymetric maps and 16 other fold. col. maps in pocket, 4 fold. maps at end of text, 31 figs. and diagrs. and 5 tabs. in text, bibl. Orig. printed wrappers. Fine.

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Dellacasa, C., 1983.:
Sistematica e nomenclatura degli Aphodini italiani (Coleoptera Scarabaeida: Aphodiinae). [Mon. Mus. Sci. Nat. Reg., 1.]

EUR 32,00
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Spirlet, M.L., 1966.:
Guttiferae. Contribution à la flore du Congo, ,du Rwanda et du Burundi.

EUR 15,00
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Makiyama, J., 1931.:
Stratigraphy of the Kakegawa Pliocene in Totomi.

EUR 13,00
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Gonzalez Fragoso, R., 1916.:
Bosquejo de una florula Hispalense de Micromicetos. [Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat., Ser. Bot., 10.]

EUR 23,00
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