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LA FRESNAYE, Baron Frédéric de (1786-1880).:
Notice sur la famille des Engoulevents (Caprimulgidae) et les différentes genres dont elle se compose. [Extracted from:] Journal de Zoologie [...] publié par F.-E. Guérin.
[Paris: Lequien fils, 1835.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.2cm. Pp. 32, 6 figs. of bird's feet on 1 engraved plate. Plain new wrappers. Small rust mark of paperclip and removed staples to margin, good otherwise. - Ronsil 1610, p. 259. - Plate with a manuscript note: "Bon à tirer à 110 exempl. [signed] Guérin", apparently an approved proof print. Rare.

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CHAMBERS, Frank (compiler).:
Hayden and his men. Being a selection of 108 photographs by William Henry Jackson of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories for the years 1870-1878, Ferdinand V. Hayden, Geologist in Charge.

EUR 15,00
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Westergård, A.H., 1944.:
Borings thruogh the Alum Shale of Scania made in 1941-42. [Sveriges Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 459.]

EUR 15,00
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Kesling, R.V., & Chilman, R.B., 1987.:
Dimorphic Middle Devonian paleocopan ostracods of the Great Lakes region. [Univ. Michigan Pap. Paleont., 25.]

EUR 20,00
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COOPER, Julia:
Beauty of Bath.

EUR 10,00
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