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Laar, J.G.M. van de, & Fermont, W.J.J., 1989.:
On-shore Carboniferous palynology of the Netherlands.
Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, 43(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 35-72, 99 microphotos on 10 (2 coloured) pls., 10 figs., 6 large fold. charts in pocket, refs. 4to. Orig. wrs.

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Dahl, O., 1907.:
Carl von Linné. Forbindelse med Norge. (Udgivet af Det Kongl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab i Anledning af 200-Aarsdagen for Linnés Fødsel 23. Mai 1907.)

EUR 25,00
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Ponder, W.F., 1986.:
Glacidorbida (Glacidorbacea: Basommatophora), a new family and superfamily of operculate freshwater gastropods.

EUR 6,00
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Belloni, S., Martinis, B., & Orombelli, G., 1971.:
Karst of Italy. (Reprinted from: Karst. Important karst regions of the Northern Hemisphere. M. Herak and V.T. Stringfield (Editors). Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam.) [Pubbl. Ist. Geol. Paleont. Univ. Milano, N.S., 91.]

EUR 8,00
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Hooijer, D.A., 1971.:
A new rhinoceros from the Late Miocene of Loperot, Turkana District, Kenya.

EUR 10,00
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